
Profields consultation services can assist you with short term or long term consultation. Profields can come to your site to consult on problem issues with your turf, or provide the expertise needed in a volunteer effort. Long term consultation involves pre-season meetings that include information gathering sessions. From these sessions a year long plan will be developed that includes mowing schedules, nutrition schedules, spraying schedules and cultural practices including aeration and top dressing.
Consultation from Profields staff is hands on. We are on your turf.
Consultation from Profields staff is hands on. We are on your turf.

The year long plan will be supplemented by in-depth communication via email 3 days per week. The email will include observations from site visits and recommended irrigation schedules based on current weather conditions and weather forecasts. Special emails will be sent to remind staff on monthly or seasonal turf management practices. Any other pertinent information that may arise will also be included in the weekly communication.

Profields staff will have monthly meetings with the staff to review the program and to make any changes that are necessary. Constant evaluation could lead to modifications to the plan based on input from these monthly meetings.

Short term evaluations or long term consultation by Profields can lead to huge improvements on your turf project within 30 days of implementing the turf plan. We can make a noticeable difference.

Athletic Field Management