Welcome to ProFields


Welcome to Profields, an athletic facility management company. Residential projects are not for us. What we do is consult on sports turf management and maintain specialized sports turf. If you prefer, we can manage entire facilities including playing fields, practice facilities, and concession venues.

Since you are at this site, we can assume you have a problem, big or small, that needs solving. With 30+ years of maintaining high level athletic facilities, Profields can help you solve the smallest problem to running your entire venue profitably. How can we accomplish that? Well, you simply pick the service you want from Profields.

Consultation from Profields staff is hands on. We are on your turf.
Consultation from Profields staff is hands on. We are on your turf.

Service 1. Consulting. We can offer short term consultation for grounds and maintenance staff and coaching staffs in horticultural needs to skin surface needs in baseball and softball. What we can do is train point staff in basic field and turf maintenance. We also offer long term consultation. This consultation plan will include preseason meetings to plan the season covering topics such as fertilizer and chemical needs, mowing issues, irrigation and aeration. We teach your staff what they need to know. We follow up with site visits, personal communication and troubleshooting activities.

Field maintenance involves consultation plus hands on turf maintenance. We get our hands dirty at Profields.

Service 2. Field Maintenance. Drawing on our 30+ years of experience in developing and maintaining Grade A, professional level sports fields, we can offer a complete line of services including,

consultation, mowing, aerification, top dressing, spraying and nutrient application. We will do it all for you and based on past experience, you can expect immediate improvement to your playing surfaces. If Field Maintenance is the service you need, Profields becomes a one stop shop for you. We relieve you of any field issues you may have. Profiles maintains all necessary Minnesota licensure.

Service 3. Facility Management. If your issue is management of a total facility because you do not have the staff or the volunteer pool is running dry, we can manage your facility. Based on 30+ years of maintaining Grade A level facilities that offered high level concessions, we know how to not only maintain the turf, we can upgrade your facility management plan. Profields maintaintains it’s State Food Management license, has 30+ years in handling beer sales and has tremendous experience in managing partime/seasonal staff. We can manage the field, schedule the events, order, prepare and sell concessions and maintain the highest quality facility.

Whatever your needs, we can help you. To get more indepth information on our services, click on Divisions in the menu. If you want to know who we are and our qualifications, click on About Us. If you want to see recent projects click on Recent Projects.


Athletic Field Management